74th place in the 8th round → Monthly Futures Rookie Award...Will Lee Hyun-jun take Samsung's future seat?

74th place in the 8th round → Monthly Futures Rookie Award...Will Lee Hyun-jun take Samsung's future seat?

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Cho Min-seok (Sangmu) was selected in the pitching category and Lee Hyun-joon (Samsung Lions) in the batter category as the winner of the Medi Hill Futures Rookie Award in June of the 2024 KBO Futures League.

The monthly Mediheal Futures Rookie Award is an award that selects the best pitcher and batter based on the monthly WAR (contribution to victory compared to replacement players) for players who have completed the regulation innings and the regulation at the Futures League among players in their first to third years of joining the team. During the month of June, Sangmu Cho Min-seok had a WAR of 0.67 and Samsung Lee Hyun-joon had a WAR of 0.49.
Lee Hyun-joon is a rookie player of the year who went through Hanyang University after graduating from Bibong High School, and joined Samsung as the 74th player in the eighth round in the last draft. Lee Hyun-joon played in 17 Futures League games in June, recording 19 hits (fourth place in the South), a batting average of 0.373 (second place in the South), and an on-base percentage of 0.407 (fourth place in the South) to be selected for the Futures Rookie Award in June.

Lee Hyun-joon, who won his first Futures Rookie Award, said, "I had some difficulty timing breaking balls at bat after joining the professional league, but I tried to improve it while receiving advice from coaches." "In early June, I was not very conscious of my performance, but it was good to maintain my performance until the end and finish it well, and I'm even more happy to receive the award like this."

Cho Min-seok, who was selected for the MediHill Futures Rookie Award in May, showed steady performance in June and was honored for two consecutive months. After graduating from Wonkwang University, Cho Min-seok joined the NC Dinos in the 90th round of the second round of 2022 and has been playing for Sangmu since the 2024 season.

Cho Min-seok appeared as a starting pitcher in all four Futures League games in June, achieving three wins (first place in the south) and recording an ERA of 2.35 in a total of 23 innings (third place in the south).

Cho Min-seok said, "I'm really honored to win the Futures Rookie Award by June following the May award, and I said at the awards ceremony last month that I'll try to prepare better and win another award, but I think it's the result of my preparation and hard work." "We'll continue to grow hard in the rest of the year so that we can show our fans a lot of good games without injury."

The monthly MediHill Futures Rookie Award was first established this season with the support of MediHill, a Futures League title sponsor, and was designed to encourage younger players playing in the Futures League and to support the development of promising players. 핑크알바

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